
Table of contents

Overview of GroupsUp

GroupsUp is an app designed as a group project for ICS314. Our goal as a group was to create social/club app for students at the University of Hawaii Manoa. The application was centered around having group pages and admins for those pages who could update it with events and meeting times. From there users could browse the various groups and find groups relevant to their interests. You can find our more about that project here - GroupsUp.

My Role

On the team my role was to design the web page theme; colors and logo, code multiple page layouts, set up the routing assets, and connect pages to the database. A prime example of my work is the profile page which I did all of the previously stated tasks. Beyond that, I played a major part in communications and divvying up work.

Profile page designed and attached to the database by me:

Another page designed by me:


This project taught me a lot; even if the project didn’t get to a point we planned.

All of these I knew a little about from before but putting them all together in self created deadlines and functionality was a large step. Personally I am very happy that I am far more comfortable with using GitHub as I know it is an invaluable tool used all over. As well I am proud, and feel accomplished for designing and creating a website that can be visited.